Transcription Processing

Transcription "Super-Cleaning" Final Editing

Overview - You will be reading all the text in your assigned section and comparing the written transcript with each paired movie file, taking note of all corrections needed, and forwarding your list upon completion. Note that all text—in theory—has already been through at least two full rounds of review: student "cleaning" and corrections last May/June followed by a parent volunteer editor. Your task is to make the final "sweep" - finding any blatant errors that remain. Although we obviously want accurate information, avoid excessive editing. Transcribing from conversational speech to writing is fraught with inexactitude. Follow the Style Guide, and err on the side of the judgment of the previous editor if a proposed change is questionable.

Step 1 - Read carefully the Style Guide - you might want to print this out for easier reference. This attempts to layout the desired transcription styles. Again, the previous editor should have already addressed all these issues - but the guide will help clarify why certain text remains.

Step 2 - Access the assigned section of the site.

Step 3 - Read, and listen to all corresponding movies - checking for accuracy and any other technical problems. BE SURE to also READ the QUESTIONS. You will notice that in most cases the questions are not part of the movie files since we edited this out for audio-quality. Since questions are not available via the movies, we can easily alter words and sentences to make them more readable. Again, hesitate making too many changes - instead focus on the most blatant problems.

Step 4 - Keep track of all your notes and send these to me upon completion. For some, it might be easier to print out the sections and hand-write your corrections. For others, record them via note form - just be sure it is clear where on the transcript to look ("page 4, following the words....."). You simply need to reference a few words on either end of the correction — I can find the section using a "search" command - no need to write lengthy descriptions of the location. Either email or send in print of all your corrections.

Please let me know if you have any needs, questions, concerns, and especially suggestions - it is my pleasure to help make this process as smooth as possible.

And finally, thank you for your willingness to help. This whole project is a lengthy and complicated process - but in the end, you are helping to publish first-hand accounts to a world-wide audience. Hundreds of people will eventually see this work so the meaning extends far beyond the service it provides to Urban students.

Happy editing!

Howard Levin
Director of Technology
The Urban School
1563 Page Street
San Francisco, CA 94117