Transcription Processing

Raw Transcription Phase

The goal is to capture as quickly as possible the words on tape. This generally moves very slowly for the first several minutes as you get used to the process, the person's voice and rhythm, and the tools you are using. Avoid multiple repeat listening to the same segment - you are not after perfection - mistakes will be caught during the next phase.

Before you begin, first familiarize yourself with the Style Guide. It is not critical that you follow this during the Raw Transcription Phase - but you will need to re-correct later to follow the Style Guide. The key at this point is not to let all the rules of the Style Guide slow you down - but understanding the final format will help.

  1. Listen and transcribe quickly using the software tool Listen & Type. Try to avoid having to replay audio/video sections.
  2. Use "Question:" to tag all interviewer questions and comments.
  3. Answers follow in next paragraph (double-spaced) - do not label answers - just begin typing responses.
    Question: Describe when and where you born?
    I was born in a small village outside Hamburg, Germany in 1922.
  4. Establish paragraph breaks at all obvious change of topics - force a break at all opportunities to avoid paragraphs that exceed normal writing. Quite often subjects will talk at great length in what appears to be a single sentence - but if you listen carefully, this will be filled with transitions. Take these as opportunities to create a paragraph break.
    ...the village was mostly Jewish, but after we moved to Hamburg we lived in an area that was filled with people from all walks of life because they came from..

    Becomes this
    ...the village was mostly Jewish.

    After we moved to Hamburg we lived in an area that was filled with people from all walks of life because they came from...
  5. Put in parentheses (.....) all unintelligible names and terms, unknown spelling, etc. This our signal to make sure to revisit to clarify.